Home » Product Categories » Disposables Vapes & Cartridges


$60.50 or $48.40 / month


$60.60 or $48.48 / month

Delta 8 Tincture 600MG

$49.99 or $39.99 / month

Delta 8 THC Tincture 1200MG 30ML

$59.00 or $47.20 / month


$50.50 or $40.40 / month

Delta 8 Roll-On 1500MG

$59.99 or $47.99 / month

Introducing Prime Sunshine’s Disposables Vapes & Cartridges, a range of convenient and high-quality vaping solutions. Designed with ease of use in mind, our disposable vapes and cartridges offer a hassle-free vaping experience. Each product is crafted with care, ensuring the use of premium ingredients and rigorous quality standards. Explore the variety of flavors and potency options available, allowing you to personalize your vaping experience. Discover the satisfaction and convenience of Prime Sunshine’s Disposables Vapes & Cartridges and elevate your vaping journey to new heights.

Benefits of Disposables Vapes & Cartridges

  • Inhaling vapor is easy and can be taken anywhere.
  • Delivers CBD quickly and in a tasty way; available in a wide variety of flavors; may be useful for anxiety management and stress reduction
  • Helps with slight pain and discomfort.
  • Offers a technique of taking CBD that is both covert and odorless, and is simple to use.
  • It’s a simple and efficient method to add CBD to your daily life.

Frequently Asked Questions About Disposables Vapes & Cartridges

  • What Are Disposable Vapes and Cartridges?

    Disposable vapes and cartridges are pre-filled, single-use vaping devices that offer a convenient and portable way to enjoy e-liquid or CBD formulations without the need for refilling or recharging.

  • How Do Disposable Vapes and Cartridges Work?

    Disposable vapes are typically draw-activated, meaning they are activated by inhaling on the mouthpiece. Cartridges are used with compatible vaping devices and are attached to a battery. When the user inhales, the heating element vaporizes the e-liquid or CBD oil, producing inhalable vapor.

  • Can Disposable Vapes And Cartridges Be Refilled?

    Disposable vapes are designed for single-use and cannot be refilled. Cartridges, on the other hand, may be refillable or disposable, depending on the specific product. Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions for proper usage and refilling guidelines.

  • Are Disposable Vapes And Cartridges Safe To Use?

    Disposable vapes and cartridges can be safe when used as directed and sourced from reputable manufacturers. It's important to choose products from trusted brands and follow proper usage guidelines to ensure a safe vaping experience.

  • Can Disposable Vapes And Cartridges Be Recycled?

    Disposable vapes and cartridges should be disposed of according to local regulations and guidelines. Some manufacturers or recycling facilities may offer specific programs for recycling vaping devices and cartridges. Check with your local waste management authority for proper disposal methods.